Set in modern-day Britain, Harry Brown follows one man’s (Sir Michael Caine) journey through a chaotic world where drugs are the currency of the day and guns run the streets. A modest law-abiding citizen, Harry Brown is a retired Marine and a widower who lives alone on a depressed housing estate. His only company is his best friend Leonard (David Bradley). When Leonard is murdered by a gang of thugs, Harry feels compelled to act and is forced to dispense his own brand of justice. As he bids to clean up the run-down estate where he lives, his actions bring him into conflict with the police, led by investigating officer DCI Frampton (Emily Mortimer) and Charlie Creed-Miles.
Title | Content |
Movie: | Harry Brown |
Director: | |
Writer: | Gary Young (screenplay) |
Genre: | Crime | |
Runtime: | 103 | Canada:97 (Toronto International |
Awards: | 1 nomination |
Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Charlie Creed-Miles, David Bradley, Iain Glen … |
Harry Brown 2009 Movie for download
Set in modern-day Britain, Harry Brown follows one man’s (Sir Michael Caine) journey through a chaotic world where drugs are the currency of the day and guns run the streets. A modest law-abiding citizen, Harry Brown is a retired Marine and a widower who lives alone on a depressed housing estate. His only company is his best friend Leonard (David Bradley). When Leonard is murdered by a gang of thugs, Harry feels compelled to act and is forced to dispense his own brand of justice. As he bids to clean up the run-down estate where he lives, his actions bring him into conflict with the police, led by investigating officer DCI Frampton (Emily Mortimer) and Charlie Creed-Miles.
Title | Content |
Movie: | Harry Brown |
Director: | |
Writer: | Gary Young (screenplay) |
Genre: | Crime | |
Runtime: | 103 | Canada:97 (Toronto International |
Awards: | 1 nomination |
Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Charlie Creed-Miles, David Bradley, Iain Glen … |